Another one I just HAD to make, unsewn sleeves and labels be damned! The houndstooth check was the genesis for this one (spotted in the remnant bin while having the expensive stuff cut) and it just went from there. Figuring out how to do the continuous line treble clefs too longer than the pattern and appliqueing did! After MANY false starts (everything from Celtic bias to satin stitch) I finally landed on exactly what I wanted with machine cording. It's simply 1/4" bias strips run through the rolled hem foot with a medium zig zag, then stitched down with the same zig zag. Works like a charm and is just the look and size I was shooting for.
1 comment:
I love this. I have unraveled some expensive braid/trim from the bridal section to get the small passimenterie cording out of it. I used it with the cording foot to make a tri-leaf celtic design on a wedding dress. Sometimes a person needs to think outside the box, don't they?
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