"Overwhelmed" is the word for the day (week, month, whatever.) I'm off to Greenwood Monday morning for the Grand Opening of Hoover's Kitchen, and a presentation of my work to Sylvester Hoover, for exhibit and possible purchase of some. Sylvester owns and runs DeltaBluesLegendsTours.com and is interested in putting some of my stuff in their gallery. I'll also get to see Dr. Marvin Haire again, which I'm looking forward to. I got invited to exhibit at the Brick Street Fine Arts Festival in Clinton (I think I already posted about that) and got another invitation yesterday to exhibit at the Crossties Art and Jazz Festival in Cleveland, MS in May. Teaching at the new quilt shop, quiltartsonline.com and a couple of presentations for local guilds. A workshop in Oxford in Feb, MQA meeting in Natchez and hanging the quilts at ARTichoke. The reception will be Feb 21, from 6-8 pm. I have a break for most of March and then the editor of the Japanese Quilting magazine will be here on April 15 to interview me and Gwen Magee and Dorinda Evans on her whirlwind tour through the state. We each have a different aspect of quilting that she's interested in.
I'm feeling sort of schizophrenic with the current work I'm producing, but it's been a kind of serendipity how it's working out. The show at ARTichoke is specifically Blues music-themed stuff, but I have to sort of switch back and forth between other things too so I don't get burned out. My switches have just happened to be towards jazz and some New Orleans stuff, and then the Art and Jazz festival invitation came so it works out that I won't have every single thing that's finished all hanging in one place. I'm hoping to actually have enough finished that I have a choice of pieces to hang together. That whole "body of work" thing, donchaknow?
And totally off the subject, but on my mind, would those of you who show prefer being in an invitational show, or getting juried into a competition? Which one is more exciting to you?