No power! 5 confirmed tornados around Jackson last Friday. We finally got power back yesterday evening. No damage to our house but terrible damage all around us. We were in the last 1500 customers to get our power back, and it was SOOOOO frustrating to see power restored on all sides of us, but our little 3 block cluster was without for several days longer than the rest of the neighborhood. Maybe the delay was due to the HUGE trees down across the roads and through the roofs of houses on those 3 blocks. The front page picture the day after the tornados hit was a house about 2 blocks from us. Driving anywhere took 3 times as long because of no stop lights, blocked trees and streets down to one lane. Of course, this all happens when everything else is happening too, but nobody ever gave me a copy of that master calendar to schedule acts of God around my own deadlines either. Well, they may have given me a copy of it but it's probably buried under the mountains of other crap in my house and I can't lay my hands on it. I should probably locate it before hurricane season starts though.
Without further ado, pictures of stuff within one block of our house. We were extremely fortunate.

I am so glad you and your house were OK, even if the neighborhood took a beating. :-D
Yikes. Glad you are unharmed
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