No big secret really, just a hesitation to publicly announce it for fear of sabotaging myself, but I turned in all the pictures and documentation and quilts yesterday for jury consideration for the Mississippi Craftsman's Guild. Either I'll be in or out by the end of Sept, so telling people I've done it now won't change anything. At least the volunteer who checked the stuff in liked it. And I like it. Two of the three pieces I submitted to the guild will also be shown at the quilt show. I'll pick them up on Saturday at the guild and drop them off on Monday at the show. As quilters are so fond of saying, my quilts travel more than I do. At least the deadline for submission got me off my butt (at midnight, and at 0' dark thirty am) to get the pieces finished and not just add to my growing pile of it-only-needs that seem to be taking over my space. Three or four more that need to be finished and I'll be sort of caught up to a manageable pile of UFOs. Of course, this is the day I wake up with a whole new piece in my head that will probably sidetrack me before I hit a lick at a snake on the mostly finished ones already in existence.
We had to submit 3 finished pieces and photos of 5 other pieces, along with a resume' and artist statement. The resume' looked more impressive than I expected, and the artist statement sucked. Fortunately, I'm not being judged as a writer, but as a quilter. Hopefully my quilting skills will overshadow my (lack of) writing skills. So without further ado, the 8 pieces that went in for consideration.
The three actual quilts I submitted:

And the five photos of previous work:

The largest of these pieces (the 3-panel) is 40"x144" each panel, and the smallest (the guitar and keyboard) is a postcard 4"x6". Not sure if including the 2 together is a good thing or a bad thing, although I love both pieces. Just tilt your head to see Bird Parker correctly. At least looking at them all together makes me believe that maybe I do have a particular style and cross your fingers for me that they decide it looks like a "body of work" when seen as a group.
You do indeed have a style which encompasses color palette, theme and design. And yes, these pieces work well together.
I like your chances. I think you'll get in.
Oh, keep me up-to-date on all of this! I have been a sissy about submitting my stuff.
Great stuff! I love the musical theme and have admired most of them previously. Good luck, Rhonda!
You asked me about clay monoprints. My suggestion is to look at Mitch "discovered" the process of using a slab of clay, colored kaylin sturries, and printing on reemay. Contact me again if you your friend want to try some.
Your work, as you well know, is outstanding. Don't sell yourself short. If you don't get in, chalk it up to experience (and blind jurors) and move on to the next exciting opportunity. Easier said than done, (believe me, I know!) but that's what you've got to do. Keep us posted--we want to celebrate with you, if only vicariously.
Good luck - they are all really beautiful.
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