About half of the blocks from the black and red kanji fabric. I'll get the hexagon blocks done on this one and then set it aside until I pick up the pattern for the hollow cubes from Dorinda Tuesday and then finish it off after I get those made. Up next: a very bright, very busy wildflower floral. It's interesting the patterns in patterns you can make by assembling each individual hexagon as either a circle (around) or as spokes (out) and I'm wondering how it would change the look of the finished quilt to only use one or the other. I'm guessing you would get a more suble pattern using only spokes since there would be no hard visual "stop" between the blocks. They would tend to blend a little better from block to block.
DANG you're a fast worker! You've gotten five or six tops pieced in the time it takes me to pick my nose.
The red-and-black color scheme is really strong; I'm loving the abstract look of those blocks.
You are just so productive! It never fails to impress.
It's easy to be productive at 3:00 a.m! And it goes very fast with some basic prep work before starting. Then I just do it assembly line style and it zips right along.
One more to do in this pattern and I think I'll have it out of my system. My daughter keeps asking "Who is that one for" every time she sees a new fabric. I just sort of shrug my shoulders and tell her "Whoever."
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