Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Renovated bedroom

This is our newly renovated bedroom that I've been working on the last couple of weeks. The bed is made from old wood doors that have been painted and collaged with torn pages from the books 'Jane Eyre' and 'Gone With the Wind' in the panels. The floor is plain plywood that was cut into 8" planks, stained and sealed.

The bed is something I've been wanting to make for a while and finally got around to actually doing it. The doors came from Old House Depot and I stripped and painted them black. I added the posts and finials from the decking dept at Lowe's. It's a platform base so no more sagging box springs! And plenty of open space under the bed for the cats to play in. The lights are mounted to the posts at the headboard so Gumbo, the foppish cat, can no longer knock the lamp off the bedside table to alert us he is ready to go outside. He'll have to figure out another way to let us know.

The chest is a solid wood $20 find from the Salvation Army that I repainted and changed out the hardware on. My night table (not visible in the photo) is the cabinet from a 1926 Singer sewing machine that I added legs to, painted black and collaged the book pages to the top center part. The other night table is a cheapie book case that I added a more substantial top to then painted red. I bought the fabrics yesterday for the quilt so we'll FINALLY have one that I've made to actually keep! The fabrics are black, beige, tan and shots of red.

It is such a joy to walk into the former cave now!

ETA: More photos of the original pieces and the finished sewing machine cabinet.

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