This is the quilt I'm working on right now for the Craftsmen's guild. It will hang on the back of the piano to hide the "guts" of it when it's in use. Morrison Brothers Music donated the piano and I used colors to pick up the stained concrete floors in the guild hall. The background is fabric that was rust stained on the piano sound board in my front yard, so the striped effect of the rust is from the actual strings in a piano. The walking people are an adaptation of the Craftsmen's Guild of MS logo, but the crafts they are usually carrying have been replaced with musical instruments. The outlines are couched pearle cotton and each one took about 2 hours! That much handwork from someone who doesn't even sew buttons on by hand is pretty strange, but it seemed to be the best technique for the effect I wanted. The piece is about 54"x36" and will be bound in black. Some quilting with gold metallic along the rusted string lines is next. The walking people are a little more apparent in the real thing than they are in the picture.
I like it very much so far...and just how cool is it that you have fabric which was stained by a piano for a quilt which will be used on a piano?! Sounds like all is in alignment for this project. 'Can't wait to see how it looks when you've completed it. Thanks for the sneak peek.
loving this!
It's beutiful. The next time you have to work with perle cotton, you might try bobbin drawing. Reverse the image, put it on the back of the quilt, put the perle cotton in the bobbin, and sew from the back. I did a bobbin drawing that looks very much like the sketcy figures you have and the results were nice, and much quicker.
Love the quilt.
I love the piano piece. I recently did a quilted wall hanging called "back of the piano" in which the design used the structure of the back of an upright piano. I wish I had an upright piano to hang it on. I also appreciate your suggestions as to uses of various common things and supplies.
Rhoda Taylor, vwmret@zoominternet.net
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