Two pieces that I'm finally finishing up after letting them languish (ferment, age, settle?) a while. The first is a piece I started over a year ago and ran out of steam on (as I so often do after the design is done) when it was half quilted. The second started out as a teach-myself-a-technique-from-instructions-on-the-web piece using a gelatin plate for monoprinting.

"Beautiful Noise" 36x36 is cotton fabric, painted, woven, and appliqued with painted window screening. The woven areas are simply slits cut into the background fabric and woven with contrasting fabrics. Micro stippling with copper metallic threads on the woven areas.

"Flight" 30x42 is gel plate printed on muslin, stamped, silkscreened (actually, tulle and Elmer's glue) word "flight" and a bit of metallic thread painting and beading for the dragonfly. So far, I've only free-motioned around the stamped dragonflies but will be adding some more quilting to the whole thing, including around the word to give it a
tiny bit more contrast. I don't really want it to stand out too much, but I do want to highlight it a little.
I much prefer "ferment" -- thanks for rearranging my thinking on that process. I have some things "fermenting" and feel better about them already!
Wish I could see the detail in "Beautiful Noise" better - your techniques are always so interesting. Love the way you used the woven bits to highlight areas of interest.
"Flight" is also very appealing, and I can't wait to see where it goes! I've never tried gelatin plate printing, but love the way it works in this piece.
I'll get a shot of the detailing posted tomorrow. It's in the car now, and it's dark. My photography is bad enough without the added disadvantage of bad lighting.
Gelatin printing is one of my all-time favorite play techniques. Fabric, paint, mess, unexpected results, what more could one ask for?
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